Blog | Reliable Tire Center - Part 3

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Signs You May Need Wheel Alignment in Riverside, CA

March 29, 2019

Keeping your wheels in proper alignment won’t just improve the overall safety and performance of your vehicle—it will also help you keep your tires in great shape for years to come. This means you won’t have to spend the hundreds of dollars it takes to replace all four tires as quickly as you would have to when driving around in a vehicle that’s not in proper alignment. But how can you tell if you have alignment problems that require you to take your vehicle in to get it checked out by a technician? Here’s some information from a tire shop... View Article

How Often Should You Get Your Tires Balanced?

March 15, 2019

Tire balancing may just be one part of your standard automotive maintenance schedule, but it is an important part of that schedule that you should not skip or ignore. It’s a good idea to have your tires balanced several times a year, following the same schedule you use for your oil changes. It’s easy to have this service performed by a service professional when you go in for an oil change. There are a number of benefits associated with having your tires balanced frequently, the biggest of which being that it provides you with a smoother ride (especially when you... View Article

Why You Should Not Mix Tires

February 26, 2019

Most people don’t really worry about their tires until one of them goes flat and their forced into buying a new one. Replacing a flat tire might seem like a fairly common event in the life of a car, but it can lead to some problems when you do so without trying to carefully match the rest of the car’s existing tires. When you’re searching for new tires in Riverside, CA, you’ll want to be aware of any mismatches between your other tires and the new tires in terms of tread patterns, manufacturers, sizes or even the season the tire... View Article

Check Out These Strange Traffic Laws!

February 12, 2019

The world of legalese can be a pretty boring one to explore from the outside, with its complex and sometimes outdated language seemingly meant to confuse any reader lacking experience in law. However, sometimes the laws reveal hidden gems that will make you laugh out loud if you find them. But you might also be in luck knowing these obscure laws, too, because it might help you avoid breaking them without even knowing they exist! Reading these strange laws might make your tires spin to the point that you’ll need to shop for new tires in Riverside, CA—or it might... View Article

Five Signs That It’s Time for an Oil Change in Riverside, CA

January 24, 2019

Anyone who owns a car knows that regular maintenance is important, but a lot of drivers have a hard time determining when various services are actually necessary. Every car is different, and everyone has different driving patterns, so your maintenance needs will vary depending on a number of factors. Aside from the standard mileage guideline between oil changes, there are several additional factors that you can consider to help you determine whether it’s time to bring your vehicle in for service: Check engine light: Your oil indicator light is designed to notify you when your system is low on oil.... View Article