Most people overlook the complexity of what is under the hood of their vehicle. They wrongly assume that an oil change ensures their car will get to and from destinations without complications. This could not be further from the truth, particularly if you are ignoring serious symptoms of issues. For example, many don’t realize that the following warning signs indicate that your car or truck needs transmission repair in Riverside, CA as soon as possible. Grinding or Shaking As your transmission moves between gears, it should do so smoothly. A transmission in need of inspection and possible repair might shake... View Article
One of the best aspects of California living is the year-round warm weather. However, when the weather really starts to heat up, you often see cars pulled over to the side of the road with steam or smoke billowing from under the hood. When your car overheats, the cost of the damage can be tremendous. To avoid that, it is recommended that car owners invest in regular radiator repair in Riverside, CA Why Your Radiator is So Important Your engine creates a lot of heat and friction when you drive. Without a radiator, the pistons in your engine would snap... View Article
There are few things more frightening than being in a car that overheats. All of a sudden, your hazard lights will begin flashing, and smoke may begin to pour out of the hood. There are a number of things that may lead to an engine overheating, including a lack of auto maintenance in Riverside, CA. If your car ever overheats, you should schedule an auto maintenance appointment as soon as possible. Overheating is usually an indication of other, more serious problems with your vehicle that you will need to address immediately. Failure to address an overheating vehicle could lead to... View Article
It’s happened to nearly everyone—you get into your car, turn the key in the ignition and nothing happens. A wave of frustration and despair washes over you—after all, you’ve got places to go and things to do. Maintaining your car’s battery is, unfortunately, an oft-overlooked aspect of auto maintenance in Riverside, CA. If you don’t stay on top of caring for your car’s electrical system, including its battery and alternator, there’s a good chance that you’ll find yourself stranded due to a lack of electrical charge at some point. Investing in routine checkups and tune-ups for your vehicle is a... View Article
Whether it’s because they’re avid DIY-ers or because they don’t want to pay a mechanic, the thought of bringing their vehicle to a mechanic instead of working on it themselves pains millions of Americans. That’s fine in many circumstances, assuming you know what you’re doing. However, there are some cases in which you’re better off leaving the maintenance work to the professionals! We may be a bit biased, but we believe these maintenance items should be left to a pro instead of trying to do them yourself: Suspension: It’s often overlooked, but your suspension system has a lot to do... View Article