Categories for Brakes

How Do Vehicle Brakes Work?

June 14, 2019

Everyone knows that brakes are absolutely essential for your car’s or truck’s operation, but most people have only a vague idea of how they actually work. They might know that the occasional inspection or maintenance appointment is good practice, but beyond that they don’t worry much about their brakes. This might get you through the day, but in the long run, having a better idea of how your brakes operate will help keep your car running right, and could even save you money. After all, brakes are responsible for stopping several-ton machines from crashing. Of course, you always want to... View Article

Why Are My Brakes Squeaking?

January 10, 2019

Driving can be noisy, especially if you’re on a busy road or highway, but there are some noises that you really shouldn’t hear while you’re operating your vehicle. Brake squealing is a common issue for many drivers, and this can be symptomatic of a bigger issue with your car’s braking system. Understanding what causes brake squeaking and what you can do to address the issue will allow you to ensure that your vehicle is operating the way it’s supposed to and that you are safe on the road. Causes of squeaking brakes Your brakes are designed to slow and stop... View Article